Childhood Nigthmares
3 000,00€
"break the cycle of violence"
size: 120 x 180
material: canvas
technique: hand paint
paint: acrylic
Violence is encoded in us... We carry it in our genes, we learn about it in childhood and we apply it in our adult lives. It’s a natural part of human behaviour and there’s nothing we can do about letting it go. It can be argued that violence is a part of human life that cannot be abandoned. We also know that the forms of violence suffered in childhood can lead to the victim’s violent behavior later on, creating a vicious circle that spans generations. The picture aims to highlight violence in childhood. With a simple motif, a cartoon character and some blood, it draws attention to the fact that the forms of violence suffered in childhood also encourage the former sufferer to commit violence later on and how damaging this is for people. The magnitude of the problem is illustrated by the scale of the picture...