Street series by hollosleves: this project seeks to transform urban spaces into open galleries where art becomes accessible to everyone, breaking down the walls of traditional exhibition spaces. by turning streets and walls of major European cities into canvases, i aim to bring social issues into the public eye, encouraging reflection and dialogue.
story behind: we live separate lives, yet we have a lot in common. the same things happen to us just a little differently for everyone. my works of art use this analogy to show what we have in common. our collective and individual traumas are presented through fresh and colorful images. they convey a message about social taboos in a paradigm-changing way and make the viewer think with an unusual representation.

budapest - vienna - belgrade - berlin - london - amsterdam - warsaw - sarajevo - barcelona - tirana -
budapest - vienna - belgrade - berlin - london - amsterdam - warsaw - sarajevo - barcelona - tirana -

how it goes: the project has transformed the streets of Belgrade, Vienna, and Budapest into open-air galleries, with over 50 artworks displayed. this year, seven more major cities will join the journey, expanding the mission of bringing art to urban spaces and connecting with diverse audiences worldwide.
about the artworks: my urban collection flips the script on life’s dark sides using bold colors and pop-culture vibes to spark reflection. each piece challenges you to embrace the bad with the good, pushing boundaries and breaking taboos. visually striking and thought-provoking, the collection turns hard truths into something you can’t ignore.

street look: the posters are displayed on the walls in the same size as the original works. name, description, logo and qr code to appear around the artworks. in addition, the posters will in many cases be supplemented with stickers and hand painting.

goals: my goal is to inspire others to embrace their traumas and fears, showing that acknowledging life’s darker moments can lead to personal growth and healing through the power of art.