Nature Creature
10 000,00€
"Radiant innocence meets nuclear reality"
size: 100 x 150
material: hdf woodboard
technique: hand paint, stencil
paint: acrylic
The painting evokes a haunting portrayal of nature’s transformation post-Fukushi-
ma, with Bambi’s eyes emitting eerie yellow lights, symbolic of radiation’s impact
on wildlife. Japanese characters scattered throughout the artwork hint at the locale and cultural context of the disaster. It serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of nuclear power and the devastating consequences of nuclear accidents
on ecosystems and wildlife. Through its imagery, the painting prompts contemp- lation on the long-lasting effects of such disasters, highlighting the monumental challenge of restoring and cleaning conta minated landscapes. Ultimately, it unders cores the urgent need for greater caution and accountability in the pursuit and management of nuclear energy.