Planet Enterprise
5 000,00€
size: 120 x 160
material: hdf woodboard
technique: hand paint, stencil
paint: acrylic
It is a well-known fact that the planet Earth is severely destroyed by human presen- ce. Rather than living in symbiosis, we are parasitic and unscrupulously draining all its resources. I know that our planet is a much larger entity in the universe than we humans are, and therefore has power over us. I believe that the main driving force behind the exploitation of the Earth is capitalism and the closely related overproduc- tion and overconsumption. The current level of use of raw materials damages the surface of our planet. We don’t like it when we are hurt or exploited and we usually speak out. The earth can’t say it, but it can signal it. And it does so by creating so many natural disasters. The main message of the picture is all of the above. The captain of the planet, well known to many, advertises his services on a flyer. Un- fortunately the captain is desperate, he is already taking action and knows that his situation is hopeless. He also knows that humanity never learns from its mistakes and only asks for help when it’s too late. Since he is unemployed, he is forced to start leafleting...