Shadow of Death
3 000,00€
"see and embrace the inevitable"
size: 85 x 60
material: canvas
technique: hand paint, stencil
paint: acrylic, spray
The only thing certain in life is that it will end. The fact of death hovers around us all, but we still cannot come to terms with it. The life we are living will end, and our past will fade away. We disappear from the map and in a generation or two no one will remember us. All these thoughts create feelings in you that you can’t really process. That’s why every human being avoids the thought of death and doesn’t even want to think about it. The picture wants to show that death is always right under our noses, we just don’t want to notice it, but if we look at it from a slightly different perspective it is easier to look at it. This different perspective means that the viewer can only read the caption written on the picture if they walk around the picture and look at it from a different angle. This puts the viewer and the image in interaction with each other. This effect is achieved by a unique technique, where the word death is printed in glossy black on a matt black background. If one is able to come to terms with the fact of death, one is closer to a general sense of calm and to overcoming other fears.