beware: in today's world, beauty can also be fraught with many dangers... it can be argued that the societies of the world have settled into a hedonistic approach. this includes the over-consumption of sexual partners and casual relationships and the phenomena that surround them. unfortunately for us, global industry and the media realised long enough how motivating these things can be for people. they serve our needs on every available surface and, on top of that, they embed new needs in our consciousness. this constant sexual stimulus has a clear negative impact on relationships...
"A journey through art, emotions, and untold stories—where fine art meets the streets." -
"A journey through art, emotions, and untold stories—where fine art meets the streets." -
Street series by hollosleves: this project seeks to transform urban spaces into open galleries where art becomes accessible to everyone, breaking down the walls of traditional exhibition spaces. by turning streets and walls of major European cities into canvases, i aim to bring social issues into the public eye, encouraging reflection and dialogue. more...